Thursday, June 30, 2011

all pictures accompanied by Irish music


Location:James Madison Hwy,Rapidan,United States


Finally! A chance to stop and smell the flowers.

Watch a bird soar!

A view of the valley

A nice place to raise a family, no doubt.

Dreams are such nice things to have.
"I wish we were an eagle"


Skyline Drive

Front Royal, VA

Front Royal was a pretty creeped out place at night but the knowledge that next day we'd go to Super Walmart to buy some buck knives was a comfort.

Going to Super Walmart is comforting.



Alec ran out of gas and Chris was trying to suck it out of his to put it into Alec's so Alec's gas problem would no longer be an issue.

It didn't work, at first, but then it did and Chris and Alec were pretty happy.

We ate Cracker Barrel. Rainbow Trout fantastic.

Harbor Freight

I just got my $7.99 worth.

YouTube Video

Location:E Main St,Front Royal,United States